Wednesday, 2 November 2011


Where do I start?hmmmmm....Ok I got back from my Leicester trip on sunday and I had a lot of fun that I didnt want to go back cause I miss my friend.It was a great trip besides the fact that I almost lost my camera!My camera!Yes,I had to repeat that because it would have been crazy to loose it.Luckily enough,my friend got it from the ticket counter at the station so my camera is still in Leicester until I get it from her in the post.Till then,I wont be able to do a post on my trip and  take my blog photos.Its sad but I am happy I did not loose it cause it would have been horrible.I have decided to buy a new laptop so hurray to that!Either way,I would still do posts so I wont disappear.:)
This is what I wore some time last week I think....Have a look!

Heels: BCBG ; Jeans: Topshop; Shirt: Splash; Scarf: Vintage; Trenchcoat: H&M

I need help finding a new pair of flats.I have big feet and I find it difficult to find my shoes my size that I actually find attractive.Silly me and my pickiness.If you are reading this and you have an idea of where to get beautiful flats,please leave a comment or email me!It would be much needed.
I also discovered a nice antique store that sells jewellery, furniture,crockery,hats,bags and some other stuff from as far back as  the 20s!Can you imagine?I found some lovely brooches  and I definately would peek in there this weekend to pick up one.I love a little piece of history in my closet.I also discovered a few more vintage shops and the market that holds every weekends.Occasionally,there are vintage fairs.I could go on forever!I have been cooking some pretty nice meals recently but since I have no camera,you just have to create images in your head and smell the aromas from miles away....;)

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